▪ Portrait in the newspaper Le Monde: Marina Kvaskoff, une épidémiologiste engagée auprès des femmes

▪ Speaker during Inserm press conference on fertility and endometriosis – Fertilité, endométriose : l’Inserm fait le point sur les recherches

▪ Interviews for, LCI, VICE


Woman Scientist of the Month, European Platform for Women in Science, October 2018

▪ Interviews about the ComPaRe-Endometriosis cohort in Sciences & AvenirAllodocteursLe ParisienLa Croix    

▪ Interview for the Belgian paper Le Soir on gender bias in endometriosis care

▪ Interview for the website on the use of animal models in endometriosis research

▪ Co-writing of an article aimed at the public-at-large on the links between endometriosis and cancer for the blog


▪ Interview for the internal magazine Gustave from the Gustave Roussy Institute: epidemiology and prevention of cutaneous melanoma

▪ Interview for the French magazine “Ça m’intéresse”, special article on endometriosis

▪ Interview for the French magazine “Ça m’intéresse”, special article on aluminum salts in deodorants and breast cancer risk

2016      Publication of an article for the general public on the risk of chronic diseases occurring after endometrioisis diagnosis for the blog

2015      Interview for Le Monde

2014      Interview for Time Magazine, Yahoo!, Le Figaro, and Reuters

2013      Filmed interview for a short video directed by Inserm aimed at raising awareness on endometriosis in adolescents (Série POM (Petits Objets Multimédia) Bio à croquer)

2012      Interaction with the public and communication about my research at Brigham & Women’s Hospital Research Day, Boston, MA, USA

2008      Interview for a press release at the 10th World Congress on Endometriosis, Melbourne, Australia